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There are many ways you can support us or any other animal welfare organization. 

Of course we are dependent on donations. However, there are many other ways to help!


Social media - share, like, subscribe


We are not influencers. Nevertheless, we are dependent on reaching as many people (potential adopters) as possible.

In the end, it is they who give our animals a new home.

So feel free to share our website, posts, etc.  


Donations in kind


If an animal transport comes to Germany, we can take donations in kind back to Bulgaria. 

This can be food, but also disused or spurned items (dishes, toys, scratching posts, litter boxes, etc.) or spot-ons, medication, etc. Please contact us if you have something to hand over.


Donate money


Of course we are also dependent on donations in order to be able to care for the animals in the station accordingly.


Donation account

Account holder: NGO Breed Love

Iban: BG94UBBS80021095326640





Pre- / post-checks with adopters


Checks are carried out by the animal welfare associations to ensure that the new home is suitable for the animal.  The animals cannot be conveyed without control. The prerequisites for becoming a controller are basic knowledge of the needs and welfare of an animal, empathy and common sense - as well as a certain degree of mobility and flexibility. Inspectors work for various clubs. If you are interested, simply contact us using the contact form.


Click here to go to a Facebook group that organizes controls:  


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